100 years of the Basque Festival of Zarautz
Hotel Zarauz Escrito:
The Basque festival in Zarautz is one of the most important and this year, which is the centenary, more so than ever.
The Zarautz painter Mauricio Flores was the creator of this festival in 1924, with the intention of extending the summer so that vacationers could extend their vacations in Zarautz. A day to remember all Basque customs and traditions.
So every year all of Zarautz and all the visitors who come come dressed in traditional Basque costumes.
In the morning txistularis, triikitilaris and a lot of atmosphere, ball games, floats and theater.
And in the afternoon a popular pilgrimage with music and a good atmosphere.
This year to commemorate the centenary, the city council has organized two exhibitions:
An exhibition in the Market on the first floor with photographs of these 100 years of history of the Basque Festival, and another exhibition of traditional costumes in the local shops.
September is a perfect month for a getaway, book here, and enjoy the Holidays!